Boobholder 2 & 떡먹는 용만이
2번째 boobholder 완성!
원래 패턴에서 지시한것보다 아주 많이 줄였다..
First increse : 17 rows - to 7 rows
Second body length : 21 rows - to 13 rows
sleeves : 7 rows - to 5 rows
to match the collar & upper half portion color - double up bottom rows
As you can see, there wasn't any regular method..
I whipped it out as I was knitting .. Frequently tried it while it was progressing...
진짜루 마음에 든다...
빨리 한번 입구나가봐야지....
떡먹는 용만이...
항상 볼때마다 너무 귀엽다~~~
원래 패턴에서 지시한것보다 아주 많이 줄였다..
First increse : 17 rows - to 7 rows
Second body length : 21 rows - to 13 rows
sleeves : 7 rows - to 5 rows
to match the collar & upper half portion color - double up bottom rows
As you can see, there wasn't any regular method..
I whipped it out as I was knitting .. Frequently tried it while it was progressing...
진짜루 마음에 든다...
빨리 한번 입구나가봐야지....
떡먹는 용만이...
항상 볼때마다 너무 귀엽다~~~
working working..
어~ 이제 된다..i think the problem was in encoding...unicode wasnt available b4, it was displaying in korean encoding which came up blank...dont ask me why ido not know..i was avail 2 c under western european encoding but ur fonts were all symbolized...Now it works.
뭔말인지 몰라..
하여간.. 포스팅 할때두 난 text decoding - DEFULT에서 쓴다..
얘네들 더러워~기집얘들꺼 받아 먹는것도 아니고 사내놈들끼리 입에서 입으로 떡을....넌 내가 먹던것도 안먹쟎아!
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