금요일, 1월 18, 2008

- Drumroll please
- Chickadee cardigan
- 10 months - 44 weeks
- Un-knitting
- Start of the new surprise
- Comparison What A Change!
- Winter Bonnet
- 9months check up
- Busy beanbean's -9 months
- Waiting Christmas

~Other Interests~

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Eunny's Deep V Argyle Vest :: 80%
●From:Eunny Jang's Pattern
Eunny's Endpaper Mitts :: 10%
●From:Eunny Jang's Pattern

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05 FO

Riso Print Gocco


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I understand what you are going through... My daughter has eczema and I have tried everything. Luckly I found Mustela-a French company that makes baby products. They have various products under Stelatopia and I use their cream cleanser, lotion, and bath oil (when it's really bad). It has helped tremendously. Only thing is it's a bit pricy but I stock up when there's sale on Drugstore.com. Hope this helps.
-Susanna (Hanguk umma in San Fran)
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