월요일, 1월 09, 2006

Bobble U-neck

Finally some knitting pictures.

I have finished this Loop D Loop's Bobble U neck quite a while ago..
( about 2 months ago)
- but never had any good chance to take pictures.


Wasn't sure where to wear this somewhat quarky creation.
( is it making me look fat? what about overwhelming knitting
community's hatred reaction on anything bobble - especially extra large size)

,Unusually warm weather here in Southern CA prevented me wearing this out
( can U believe i'm still wearing in January tanktop & flipflops daily?)

and my lazy photographer ( aka hubby Ddong2) was too busy
safely migrating our new neighbor - posum - yuk!

wanted to be little more creative..something more fun..
no more pictures in front of white staircase wall...


you like the picture?
me at target with motorized tools!!

버블 유 넥..
직역으루 ' 버블모양 이 마구잡이 붙어있는 알파벳 유 목파짐의 조끼'

다음에 혹 또 이 패턴을 짤경우가 있다면..
조금더 길게 짜구 허리의 들어감을 없애서 아주 짧은 미니스커트길이로
바지나 치마위에 레이어로 입을수 있게하는것이 좋을것 같아...
그리구 실두 좀더 심플한걸루...

난 맘에 드는데.. 어때??


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