일요일, 7월 31, 2005

Acorn Cami

No more slacking off..from uploading pictures.

After another crazy week full of drama from work..
My body just could not hold up anymore..
after I came back from shooting friday, I felt little sore throat & fever.

I had to take a day of total rest -
do nothing just sleeping, eating, and reading ( hehe harry potter book) ..
Thank's to Kye & wonderful pot of curry,
I did not have to worry about cooking, cleaning , and any other house chores that I been neglecting about a week and a half.

Here it is..

Acorn Cami -
Knitted in Cashmerino pink color ( Left over from Entralac baby blanket ).
I have finished it about a week ago - and wore once already.
When I visited Unwind (yarn store at Burbank) to get some yarn -

Yes.. I have purchased more yarns..
First I was visiting WB right next to yarn store..
Second they sent me 20 percent off coupon for my birthday.
Can you blame me???

- owner of unwind gave me great compliments on Cami
Love you stephanie~~~~~

Love cami..

even though I sweated like a pig when I wore this
I blame all on weather - it was 105 degree not on my choice of yarn.

it is kind of big - so I have to wear it with additional laying cami inside to be decent.

except this -- I think I will actually wear this out..

acorn cami
Yes.. I did lots of photoshop job on this pic.. reason? read below

I always suspected this..
My hubby have serious problem of shaking hands..
He thinks it is due to camera
( yes I admit it has small button for his stubby fingers)
but to get this 4 picture of at least little bit decently focused pictures..
he had to take about 50 and more picture of horrible - non recognizable pictures..

If you have same camera - Fuzi finepix Z1,
or problem of shacking hands.. please tell me what I need to cure this problem..


I can't change husband ..
I have only him who can take pictures in middle of the night when I finished project
or sudden urge that I need to take another pictures of wonderful knitting creation on me..


Anonymous 익명 said...

nah~ its not my hand..the camera got horrible reaction time..it wouldnt take pic when the moment i wanted 2 take..:(..구려~~@@~
oh~& thanx 2 u..now i got stuffy nose..i cant breathe~~@@~

9:48 오전  
Blogger eejayya said...

I don't think it is camera..
Because I don't have any problem!


Telling you ..
기술자가 후져!

5:52 오후  
Anonymous 익명 said...

it's always just you two talking to each other...
지겹지도 않아? 맨날 코맞대고 살면서 여기서까지 옥신각신하긴... 쯧쯧쯧.

7:04 오후  
Anonymous 익명 said...

it's always just you two talking to each other...
지겹지도 않아? 맨날 코맞대고 살면서 여기서까지 옥신각신하긴... 쯧쯧쯧.

7:05 오후  
Blogger eejayya said...


정체를 밝혀!

남편이라두 들어와야자 아무두 안들어오면 불쌍하잖아~~

아무래두 동상???
아부지가 안부물으셔~~

1:05 오후  
Anonymous 익명 said...

내다 내. 동상.
잘 지낸다고 말씀드려. 책 끝내느라고 하루에 12시간씩 일한다고... 에고, 어깨도 아프고 허리도 아프고, 심하게 망가졌다...

7:05 오후  

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