화요일, 10월 18, 2005

2nd anniversary.


When I first met him at friend's graduation,
He had Lesley cheung's ' better tomorrow' hair cut and wearing cashmere 3 piece suit even though it was End of April in hot CA weather.
He kept looking at me sitting across table - and by awkwardness, I smiled & he ignored me.
On our first date, he ordered most expensive rolls on the menu and wanted me to eat more even though I was stuffed.
and kept feeding me..

On our third date, he said he will marry me & I though he was psycho.

He wasn't like anyone I had dated..
awkward.. & didn't know suave way to woo women..

But He loved me same through our 8 years together.
I still laugh at his stupid jokes & excited to see him every day..
and still gets butterfly..

Yesterday was our 2 year wedding anniversary
& 10 years and 6 month together..

We didn't go far out to celebrate
- out of fear of getting hit by thunderstorm & flash flood..
but had nice dinner & talk about our past..and future..

Love U DDOng²~~~~


Anonymous 익명 said...

uh-oh~ that aint the whole story..
reveal the truths...^_^..luvya2~

11:45 오전  
Anonymous 익명 said...

that is very sweet. by the way, since when he's ddong2?
is that a knock-off of ddo2? you can't forget your family now that you are marrie, lady?! congratulations on your anniversary. xxooddoddo

5:37 오후  

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