금요일, 5월 19, 2006


I am back from Long vacation !
Had great time & already missing every moment...
Wanna GO BACK!!

If I think about it..
I went to Korea 4 years ago - but it was to
ONLY meet Relatives to announce engagement..
technically it shouldn't have to count as visit.

If I cross out that visit..
It was visit back to
mother conutry in my 13years & Ddong2's 20years.

Little Present ~~~ from my visit!
Love to everyone!!



Anonymous 익명 said...

Welcome back! I'm glad you had a great vacation!

11:31 오후  
Blogger Reese said...

wow that is a super cute photo of you! randomly ran across your page and saw your hemp ponchetta. it's really very cute. makes me want to make one too.

5:09 오전  
Anonymous 익명 said...

Welcome back!!!!!!!
Well, I haven't been bk to Korea for 21 years!! How about that!!!

7:59 오전  
Anonymous 익명 said...

좋은 선물을 주시는군요... ㅎㅎ

3:08 오후  
Anonymous 익명 said...

Welcome back!
I really enjoy reading your blog and glad to see you're back. I haven't been back to Korea in 21 years and that looks like the sugar and baking soda concoction I used to enjoy back in the days....
I also enjoy your comments on Korean dramas since that's how I found out about Goong and Kim Samsoon and watched it after all this time. Let us know if there's any other K-dramas worth watching!! I loved watching both!

6:35 오전  
Blogger eejayya said...

Thank you everyone leaving kind comments!!

Yes Julie..
You are correct!!
Remember 뽁기? (Pure suger baking soda concoction ?) I loved it when I was young.. but my mother banned me because it wasn't really sanitary.. now they are made & selling on the street in clean plastic wrapper! Cool huh?

If you would like to see any K-Drama..
recently I been watching '연애시대'
Starring Yejun Son & woosung Gam.
Very smart dialog and storyline..I'm not sure whether you can get anything with English sub yet.. but you can rent Korean version in local korean video shop.

Next time..
Would you please leave your E-mail??

5:28 오후  
Anonymous 익명 said...

hi, this is Julie again, I was wondering if you can erase my last post since I stupidly posted my email address and I'm getting alot of junk mass emails. Thanks!!!!!!

10:02 오후  
Blogger eejayya said...

I have erased!!

9:26 오후  
Anonymous 익명 said...

언니 수영이에여.
한국 왔었어여?
연락 오기만을 기다렸는데..
그곳의 월드컵 분위기는 어땠는지..
요즘 들어 뉴욕이 너무나 가보고 싶어요~~

7:19 오후  

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