일요일, 5월 28, 2006

Me during Holiday.

Happy Memorial day..
Is it wrong to say Happy Memorial day?

While I was in Korea, there were 2 days when Night club wasn't open.
One was Memorial day ( 6.6)
and the other day I can remember this moment.
(If you know would you please let me know?)

2006 memorial day, in this beautiful holiday..
I am staying at home busy doing THIS!


If I am not clear on expressing what my feeling toward it?
I am extremely happy..
20th Centry boys : Manga in one hand
Animal Crossing Wild world on DS on the other..
What ever YOU say on my immature hobbies,,,
Nothing will stop ME!

Have I been Knitting?
Surprisingly YES!


I am embarressed to say..
That ..
still knitting winter sweater..
Here is my proof that Just little bit more to
progress to reach My favorite Part!

Taking finished photos!!

Hows everyone's knitting been like???


Anonymous 익명 said...

DS가 뭔가요???

4:36 오전  
Blogger eejayya said...

닌텐도 DS 라는 게임기에요..
얼마전에 새로 DS LIte이라고 해서 새 모델이 나온것을 구입했거든요..

위의 사진처럼 화면이 2개이고 아래화면은 touch screen 이라서 stylus pen으로 움직일수있는 게임들이 있어요..
미국에서는 ds lite이 6월 11일 판매시작이래요..

11:46 오전  
Anonymous 익명 said...

아.. 그렇군요.

그런데 eejayya님의 답변이 제 메일로도 왔군요. 블로거에 이런 기능도 있었나 보군요..

3:10 오전  

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