토요일, 7월 21, 2007

4 months going 5

Beanbean is now 4 months almost going 5.
Here is how he's celebrating!!



수요일, 7월 18, 2007

100th days

All cultures have unique day they celebrate & enjoy..
One of Korean's big day for a baby is
celebrating 100th day for baby..

it is a day to show up how well your baby is growing
and thanking everyone for their support and help.

Beanbean's 100th day was on June 10th.
Close family & friends had big chinese dinner.

100th day

Pictures were very disappointing but when you are busy
with a baby & all the other are also busy with their kids who blame bad pictures!!

라벨: ,

Back & Alive

After move to other site..
and tries to desperately work new things out..
I finally figure that I could not abandon old good blogger site.

Other site was all good with new ideas..

Enough storages for photos & videos, flash and photo modifications,
great design skins & background musics and so on

I was happy with multiple new choices & eager to try new site with baby in mind..
But I was heartbroken with trial and errors.


I am back..

I have to confess that I haven't been Knitting..
and very proud of it.

Sheer survival in sleep deprivation is my mode last 4 months
and happy that I am excited about different stool colors baby poop.

I probably can not write much about knitting now..
but plenty to offer on baby stuff.. !!!!
