일요일, 3월 26, 2006

Summer Poncho : Too early???

Lightweight Ponchetta knitted with Hemp for knitting yarn -
All hemp6 in Classic Hemp color..

I never liked poncho when it was big last year ..
more like downright hated..
( Martha's poncho? Yuk!)

Never ever thought I would knit one myself..
but as it turns out,,
I loved how this Ponchetta feels ( first time I knitted with hemp yarn)
and how it fits too~~

Do you think because it is knitted with tears & pains
instead bought $20.99 on sale?

Yarn description says yarns will get stronger -
and softer as it gets washed...
This I will tell you After I wash couple of times.
Please wait probably a year this to happen..

Thank you for all comments!!
I haven't had chance to wear it though..
much too cold to wear it out yet!!


Here is the proof.
When I took this picture, I needed heater dish
to get me through,,

토요일, 3월 25, 2006

Goong : Palace

My broken hearted sad days with NO update from Nintendo DS are
bit getting healed & occupied by
New K-Drama ( Korean soap opera) Goong : Palace..
Too bad only 4 more episodes left

I loved Original Manwha.. & Love K-Drama version too..

You can enjoy music & VOD ...
(Sorry.. I am disableing vod
If you want,,, please check below address)


유부녀 나날이 즐거우이..

Picture 1

~For people who can't watch VOD

수요일, 3월 22, 2006

Looking for Puppy 엥??

오랜만에 한국사이트를 보다가..

울어야할지 웃어야할지..


나두 경험있다..

강아지 잊어버려 온동네 전봇대에
전단지 붙여봤던..
80년대 였던걸루..
그 오래전에두 사진 복사해서 붙인걸루 기억하는데 ^o^;

얼마나 안타까울까..

하지만 절대루 찾지 못할것 같은..
아마두 고양이가 돌아올지도

한글 읽을줄 알면서 코멘트 안남기면


조낸 싱하형이 굴다리에서 혼내준다
이렇게 부시처럼!!! 떽끼!!

목요일, 3월 16, 2006


Usually.. I do not want to post progress photos
when projects are only in beginning stage..

because it robs me a chance to
secretly change my mind & frogg in the middle of the night..

What the hell..
I been lazy enough not blogging..
& when every project is start stage,
I gotta do what I gotta do

Here is what I am working on this moment!!

Yarn is from what I got from renewing my Rowan
Subscription.. 3 kidsilk haze in black color
How perfect it is for vest !!!


I just started ..
& it is slow knit cause there is no way I can
memorize this pattern in a million years..
or any cheating possible..
I have to check pattern each line to prevent me from
making any mistake..

Can U even see little beads??
First I have used only one .. Then..
couldn't tell where the bead was..
now I'm threading 2 bead together..
still not enough

Breezy Cables~~~~~~~~

Breezy Cables

only 12 rows in..
too early to say anything..
wish to see if any other great knitter have finish this..

It is my first time knitting with Knitpicks yarn..
I like hands & feel of knitting with it ..
Wonder how this yarn after couple of washes though.

Mystery Sweater~~~~~~


My mom visited me yesterday & told me
this wonderful idea for a sweater..

I jumped in to her idea.
Perfect chance to pull out long stored pack of
Rowanspun chunky yarn I hid..
from Ddong2

I'm not good knitter enough to create whole new sweater yet..
~~so I'm using Stitch N Bitch Sack sweater pattern
& modifying to this new idea..

Wish me luck!

화요일, 3월 14, 2006


Who knew proud knittinggold medal would
cause me great knitting slump!
I should have been more motivated.. But instead
I been occupied with other things...
(work, Pain in the jaw, Real World series Baseball,
Soccer, and not to forget heartache of Nintendo DS Lite)
& all knitting projects been on my backbunner.


I been suffering with jaw pain .. Medically called TMJ
it robbed me joy of eating... But why am I not lost any weight???
( Actually.. I eat less but more frequently.. May be the reason? )


Here is what I been working on..
Really slowly
Poncho knitted with hemp yarn.


I started this project while temperature soared to 90s..
thinking I would wear this during hot march day..
but who knew it would be so cold that I have to wear socks while I sleep..
( you need to wait little bit for FO picture.. Wish for warm weather)

As soon I finished poncho..
I jumped in to new project.

Breezy Cables from Interweave spring2006

When I consulted my friend that I will knit this, she said it is
but it is charming because it remind me grandma sweater..

ALSO other reason eager to knit this is

for Practice for These beauty I got from Amazon Japan
and want to join this KAL


As a practice..
I want to knit this simple cape.. But
What the hack is this symbol means??

Explanation at the front with photos doesn't really help me much..
I need to summon my brother or friend who can understand Japanese better..


For the last..

My brother who lives in Minnesota sent me Picture
he took in front of his Apartment..
& envy letter to all who lives in warm weather..

I could not resist to post
comparison photo I took in front of my house.


Right back at U!!