목요일, 6월 30, 2005

Brown Sexy Halter

Done Done Done!!!

Finally I am finished Rebecca Magazine No29
Pattern #40 Wine Red Backless Top!!

see see.. really done!! what's up with cool hat??
Kye doesn't want me to put my face on the web...I think it is too late though~~~~~

Yes,, I know pattern says wine red.. but because I have
used Paton's brilliant yarn brown color ( Actual
name is Marvelous Mocha) - I am calling Brown
sexy halter!

How many days I been renting about this one..
infinite knitting of stockinette stitches.. but now it is finished..
I feel kind of missing whole part.. as korean says 시원섭섭..

Am I satisfy with this one??
Verdict is... I am not so sure yet..

I really doubt that I will go out wearing only this one ( what??
Not even with bra??? :P) ..

Probably I will wear another camisole inside and try to create
layered look.

another thing is even though I did blocking.. skirt part is still rolling up
unevenly..making whole part kind of crooked..( looks like I have
psuedo skirt.. top.. 찌그러진 hoolahoop thing going on..

see?? I really did blocking!!

I am very proud of myself -- even to the modification on strap parts ( I tied
2 monkey tail looks like ties at the front without using suggested
ring)-- and treated myself very generously with purchase of yarns
at the Michael Levine.. hehe...

While I was waiting blocking to be done..
I have finished knitting Amazing Glampyre stephanie's One skein wonder
I love it.. love it!! ( already started another one )

one skein

One mistake is...
Not listening Kye... and doubting his ability with tape measure.
When I asked him to measure my shoulder.. he said 14 3/4!
Why did I think that my shoulder measures only 13 inches!!! I'm not barbie!!

Yes.. I did not trust him and thinking that shoulder will be enough with 14 inches.

no no,,,,
Shrug is little too small on the underarm part...

Yes.. I will listen to him...
until next time.. probably...

화요일, 6월 28, 2005


Yadong 2

It is long & kind of controversial ( I'm not promoting
anyone to see any Yadong wink wink~~~~)
But it was so funny I cracked up... almost pee-ed myself.

May be it is because of familiarity what happens close to me
or my great affection on Pikachu!

Weekend Update

Last weekend..
I made a little resolution of torturing myself with infinite Stockinette Stitches of Burgandy Sexy ( ? ) Halter top -
and Finally will end this forever on needles project.

It wasn't only because my own motivation to finish this project...
There was little nudges here and there.

1. I will confess..

I can't ( seriously ) start new project without finishing up earlier project..

Yes! I have problem..
I'm anal..
I might be able to do little project like socks, or flower broach..
but can't start any big project -- because I get all nervous and antsy..
Sometimes.. Even though I know that certain project will look horrid after I finish,
I still have to see the end.. If I already started.

2. Kye said this weekend
" you seem to knit this one forever"

That's it.. If Kye noticed it.. it is official..
I been hanging on this one far too long.

3. I have received New Interweave Mag..
Now I really wanna knit other project!!!

4. I need 24" cord to start One Skein Wonder and other projects I am interested in.
I have Boye Interchangable needle system
- and already using 24" for this halter .... aarrggg..

There are more reasons.. but not to mention all little points..

This is Final..
I am decided that I will finish this project this weekend!!!!!

( That's what I thought T.T last week - but it is still on today..
That's it!!! I will finish it This weekend Seriously!!
I really gotta do.. because I might not be able to knit about 2 weeks due to work!!)


Everthing is ready..
My trusty Green tea, Banana peanut butter jelly sandwich,,,

자 시작해 볼까요~~~~~ 아르르르~~~~

After many knitting & unknitting
( I could not and still don't understand the direction of how to attach front ties)
This is how my project is doing.

See forever rows of st st?

I really doubt that I am knittinging this correctly..

But there is no where that I can check whether I am doing this right -
Even I have visited Rebecca forums
( There was one inquiry asking same problem -- but no one was answering),
and check all online sources to see whether there is anyone who have done this project..and found no one..
my Knitting group's meeting will be 3 weeks away...still..


I am modifying as I am doing -- and hoping for the best..
( I can see this project's horrific slow death already)

I slowly learning that after you knit and unknit same section about 5 times..
this problem happens..

Yarns starting to snag all over ( it isn't my fault!! it is this yarn!)

see ?? Yarns acting like crazy women's hair

Close up

and some missing yarns ( can't figure out what happened here.. loose yarns )


Still Long and winding road ahead..
and I am pulling my hair..

Even I dreamt about this last night.. I was knitting and knitting this brown disaster..

금요일, 6월 24, 2005





한글교육과 영어교육 모두가 절실한분이 메뉴판을 작성하셨나보다.

자 여러분 보세요..

마른안주 입니다... 만른안주가 아니죠..
만른은 발음하려다 혀 꼬입니다.

그리고 마른.. 영어 표기법.. 하나입니다.
Dried이죠.. Dehydrated뜻이죠..
Drided.. 음.. 이런말 없어요...

그러나 그러나

최대의 히트는 바로 이거다..
은행 = Bank

맞는 표기는.. Ginko Nut 이다..

더 황당한것은.. 바로이거..
Mac에 있는 Sherlock의 Translate에서 은행나무를 쓰면
이렇게 나온다.. 헉!

Picture 1
보이나?? 쪼끔해서????????

옆에서 Kye가 너나 잘하란다.....
내가 영어쓸때 혹은 한글쓸때 스펠링, 맞춤법, 그래머, 뛰움법, 왕창틀리면서
이런말하면 욕먹는단다...


목요일, 6월 23, 2005


아주 난리났다!


NAVER에 김삼순에 관한것을 지나치지 않고는 다음 페이지로 넘어가지 않을만큼...
한국선 벌써 8회라는데..
난 아직 비디오 1개 봤다...


민이랑 배꼽잡구 봤구.. 보면서 왠지 씨원한 느낌??

앞으로 계속 이런 pace로만 가준다면~~~

본지 3일 채 지나지 않았는데
kye가 새로 비디오 빌려왔는지 물어보는 민을 보면..
재미는 있었나 보다.. 기집애

김선아.. 능수능란한 모든점.. 맘에든다..(심지어 들릴까 말까..
은근슬쩍 구사하는 대사며.. 완벽한 타이밍의 코메디 연기며)

이뿐척, 연약한척, 상처받은척 하지않는 여주인공 아주 신선하구.
보면서 스트레스 받지 않아서 좋다 ( 요새는 영 구박받는 며느리,
상상조차 되지 않을만큼 머리굴리는 악랄한 나뿐뇬, 바람피며 사랑을 부르짖는
그뇬&그놈.. 용서 안되고 보구싶지 않아진다-- 아.. 나두 아줌마 되나보다)

깨물어 줄만큼 귀엽다.( 음... 멋있다구 해야하는데.. 나이가 이런데서)
멋있어 보이는 남 주인공 역활 딱이다..

아주 도배되어있다.. 비웃는듯한.. 한국여자 뻑가는..
조소 비스무레한 멋진 한쪽입술 올리구 비웃듯 웃기!

감상 시작!!
그르르르르르~~~~~~~~ 앙!!!!!!!!

더 많은걸 보려면 요기로..여서 퍼왔어요

수요일, 6월 22, 2005

My first Socks & Mitts set

Finally done with Socks & Mitts..
I am realizing that my knitting speed is anywhere near to any blogger I visit.
While they are finishing Jacket & big shawl using Fingering weight Yarns, I have finished Socks & Mitts in worst weight.
Shame Shame..

Hope Min likes this presents -- I am too eager to present this to her..
decided to forget ( or pretend to forget) blocking process.
( I should .. I should.. but NO!! Can't wait!!)

I made all plans for presenting my first trial work.

Drum roll please

If she complains that stiches are all uneven, size seems different each sides.. and she being another Eejayya's Maruta experiments..

First, I should poke her eyes ( see.. it's trick of your eyes)
Second, If she still complains, I should teach her art of blocking!!! hehe..
Third, after all persuasion if she still really doesn't like it,, I will wrap it again & present it to myself or other friend.

mittssock & mitts
Lovely isn't it?? ISN'T IT??? *_*

Sock & Mitts2
Me modeling my creation.. Never knew difficulties of taking pics of my foot and hand

Excuse on all twitchy limbs.

My sexy burgandy halter top is still haven't passed 6 inches & not sexy at all ( can't keep going after about a 30 minutes of non-stop St stiches) aarrgggggg~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

월요일, 6월 20, 2005

magic transformation

You gotta mix all portions to make Queen of AvatA Character Sue..
I tried about 5 times & only got
Shrek, Pig women, Purple cat, Pink cat..

Becoming beautiful women is lot harder than I thought..
Whole lot of misfortune & numerous trials..
Game reflects reality T.T

**** I figured out the portion after 15 trials..
that was hard!



Old Korean Common says, Not even dogs catches cold in May through June..

Am I lower and more pathetic than street dogs?
Usual ritual after wrapping work... getting sick for a week is none exception this time..

I will blame all to unusually comfortable weather & morning fog.

Usual friend... Hot green tea & Zicam

Matching Ruffle bunny mitts for socks are on my needles.. one side is almost done ( just thumb part left over)
Mitt was much easier & faster than socks.

Finish me soon!!!!!

일요일, 6월 19, 2005

My first socks

After all trials & errors, Finally finished my first socks..

You can't really tell from picture.. but sizes of each socks are slightly different.. ^ ^;
After I unravel first sock out of fear that it might be too big, Second one ( one at the back) I made little adjustment on gauge..
Which was real dumb thing to do..

after all problems.. finally finished this.. hehe

Here presents to you
Pink bunny ruffle socks - Matching mitts are coming soon

Yarn : Merino Frappe - Christal Palace Yarns : Color 029B
Pattern : Rustic Ruffle Socks - Interweave internet sock pattern


Min! If you are looking at this, Close your eyes..!!!!
You are forbidden to look at this.

재롱 or 무모함

Father's day를 맞이하여 오랜만에 아주 맛있는 dimsum을 먹으러 downtown - chinatown에 갔다~~.
도착한후 본 정경...
아.. 비...규...환...

내 번호는 C70
부르고 있는 번호는 B10

설마.. 30분이면 되겠지 하구 기다린후
정확히 30분후 반 쭈그러진 모습으로 나타난 kye왈

아즉도 B70야!!!

포기빠른우리 즉각 Little Tokyo로 자리이동 아부지를 일본 ramen을 대접하기로...^ ^;
미안해서인지.. 아님 갑작스럽게 발동한 Fratboy mentality때문인지..

우리아저씨.. SPECIAL2에 도착하시기로 도전..

도대체 special 2가 뭐냐면... 이 라면집은 매운정도가 모두 8가지로.. 나는 주로 1번 매움을 즐기는데..
이 제일 매운것을 먹은후 완벽하게 비우면.. 바루 이렇게 해준다구~~~


드디어 내꺼 등장.. 간장라면~~


정상적인 라면 모습!

다음으로 아부지꺼..이것이 kye랑 똑같은 종류 miso Ramen.. 매운정도 3
뭐 극히 정상적이 모습이지



드디어 등장 헉!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hot before

색이.. 짬뽕수준......

한입 먹은 그이의 반응...
하나두 안맵단다..
1분이 지나구.. 2분이 지나구.. 안맵다며 물마시구..
코딱구.. 그저안맵지만.. 입이 따겁다구...

아니 자기야...!!! 얼굴이 입과코가 빨개!!!!!!!!!!!
심지어 넘 딱아서 코에 껍대기가 벗겨질만큼...

국물까지 다 먹을수 있다지만.. 설사병을 걱정한 나..
집에와서 칭얼이 달랠 생각하니 더이상 손놓고 볼수 없으니..

자기야.. 아이 잘했어.. 그만해.... 배아풀거 같아!! 착하지!!
Drop your spoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


국물을 도저히 불가능..


엉덩이 토닥 거려주며 계산후 일어나는데..
헉.. 국물만 남은 라면.. 국물과 코추가루 분리중.. 마치 마그마 같이..

hot after

안타까움에 일어나는 kye와.. 안먹이기를 잘했다구 생각한 나..
재롱인지 무모함인지에 웃는 아부지..

아즉까지 배 아푸다는말 없으니.. 괘안은거는 같은데....
올때 하는말.. "청양 고추에 비하면 하나두 안 매워.. 니가 말리지만 않았으면 끝낼수 있었어..
다음에 가서 다 먹어봐야지!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

자기야 제발 참아줘

목요일, 6월 16, 2005

New book

My favorite writer Haruki Murakami's new book Afterdark is out in Korea..
May be it was some sign that I have purchased Kafka on the shore English version today.
Should I make purchase of Korean translated Afterdark??? ... Noo.. nooooooo

I should wait until English translation of Afterdark is out ( probably I have to wait about 2 years.... sigh~~~~~~~)
When I read Korean translated Kafka on the shore, was really disappointed..
Experience was too unfamiliar & raw to take in - I could not finish the book at all & couldn't understand why I was so agitated in every single turn of the page... probably I been reading & familiar with all Murakami's work in English ( every single one of them )

Very excited to be fall back to Murakami's odd emotional ride in between fear and confusion.


from AlladinUS.com

무라카미 하루키의 최신작 <어둠의 저편>이 출간됐다. <해변의 카프카> 이후 2년 만에 발표한 장편소설로, 데뷔 25주년을 기념하는 뜻깊은 작품이다. 일본에서는 출간되자마자 베스트셀러가 된 바 있다. 기존 작품들과는 크게 다른 소설적 구조와 주제, 분위기를 보여주어, 하루키 문학의 전환점이 되는 작품이라 평가받는다.

집에 돌아가기 싫은 19세 소녀 마리는 심야의 레스토랑에서 책을 읽으며 시간을 보내다, 언니의 고등학교 동창인 다카하시를 만나게 된다. 마리는 그의 소개로 러브호텔 '알파빌'에서 손님에게 맞아 쓰러진 중국인 매춘부의 말을 통역해 주게 된다. 이 일을 계기로 그녀는 알파빌에서 일하는 왕년의 레슬러, 중국인 조직, 곡식.벌레 이름으로 불리는 종업원 등 기묘한 사람들과 만나게 된다.

한편 언젠가부터 마리와 사이가 멀어진 언니 에리는 최근 두 달 동안 계속 잠들어 있다. 에리는 잠든 사이 '이쪽 세계'와 '저쪽 세계'를 넘나들고, 이상한 방에 갇혀 구원의 손길을 기다리지만 아무도 그녀에게 손을 뻗어주지 않는다.

책은 영화의 카메라처럼 에리와 마리 자매를 관찰하는 '우리'의 시선으로 전개된다. 선과 악, 빛과 어둠, 인간과 사회구조, 소통과 단절, 그리고 사람을 계속 살게 만드는 힘에 대한 이야기. 문체는 극히 간결.건조한 편. 'Afterdark'라는 원제처럼 긴 어둠의 시간이 지나간 후 다가오는 새벽의 느낌, 고요하고 부드러운 밤의 분위기가 잘 살아있는 소품이다.

Traveling around town

I been working around town's several famous places for job this week -- & noticed several things that I have never noticed before.. I should have gotten out of the house more ( Sorry that I could not do much of any knitting done whole week.. after working 12 hours, you tend to lose your consciousness and fall asleep as soon you arrive home)

I know I know..
I should have concetrated more on the job, but after 9 hours of standing around & looking at same things, your attention drifts.

First ,,,
Never knew about this Sister city direction signposts was right infront of City Hall. I thought it was quite amusing -- cause didn't know Pusan was sister city of Los angeles. Min instead thinks it's waste of our city tax.



Been living near the Pacific ocean whole life -- but hardly goes to the beach after I moved to U.S. Biggest contribution Kye's phobia ( water)..

It was very refreshing to go to beaches except sunburn on my nose and constant bombing of sea gull shits. Whole crew was looking at the ocean when I arrived location & I followed what they were pointing.

I don't see anything~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Now I do~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

No!!! it is not jaws!!
it is school of dolfins eating up fishes..

wonderful sights.. only bad thing is it brought up whale watch experience I had about 10 years ago..
Serious nauseousness ~~
Small squeaky boat Driver's crazy maneuver looking for Hump back Whale. NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


Celebrating Wardrobe mistress..
Thanks Ashley~~ Love all of your help.
스킨케어 받으러 꼭 갈테니 약속대로 깍아줘야해!!!

Now on knitting.

This is what I did during whole week.
Fihishing up one sock.. I gotta hurry now because Min did all favor for me & love to give this to her.
Only problem is She probably can't wear this until November..unless she risks of getting Heat rash.


수요일, 6월 08, 2005

Old Projects..

Have you seen Finished gallery??
I made new fotoflix account couple of days ago & been working on fun knitting albums..

Only problem is fotoflix tends to get many problems - uploading not possible several times, up loaded photos not showing on flix ( streaming photo gallery with songs) and all..
I been trying to figure out the problems -- but still it is not successful..

I have uploaded more pictures of old finished projects that I did ( mostly from Stitch n Bitch books -- most of things I'm very proud of & got many compliments when I wore) -- but wierdly.. it is not showing up on playing section. You can still check it out using 'larger picture button' that is located at the bottom.

( don't forget to enjoy photos with playing music - My 2 favorites.. Asoto Union & Denki groove)

Head Hugger Brown

Stitch n Bitch Marsupial Bag Large

월요일, 6월 06, 2005


응아하는 군인찾기

지저분 스럽지만.... 난 아무리 봐두 못찾것다.. 더 큼직한 사진은 위에 오리지날을 보도록..
여기 가져와서 더 자세히 보려구 퍼왔는데.. 아직두 못찾겠다..

역시 한국 군인의 이 대단한 우장술..
( 아니 그런데 난 왜 이렇게 지저분한걸 꼭보려고 하려는 걸까?)

일요일, 6월 05, 2005

Progress update

Update on my first socks..

I know that it is my first attempt on knitting socks.. but wait! What's wrong with this!
Shape doesn't even look like sock at all.. It resembles more potato sack.
I even stuck my foot in to see whether I am doing this okay. ( Doesn't look good at all~~~)
I was knitting this for Min.. but now I am not sure whether I should pursue this or not..

I will do heel part tonight & decide whether to knit more or unravel whole thing ( kye's favorite activity).


This is other one.. Forever knitting of Stockinette stitches..
I been knitting this body part around 5 days & seems like I haven't made any progress at all.
Body part ( not including upper tie & breast part) should be total of 38centimeter -- and I have done only 10..

I could start other project -- but I don't want to start any big project before finishing up one thing & especially don't want to start other when I have a schedule to do shooting. ( this means that about 3 weeks of slow knitting & blogging)


가장 좋아하는 만화가 : 야자와 아이
요즘 가장 좋아하는 만화 : 나나

음....일본어를 하지못해 만화 매거진이 쿠키를 읽지 못하다는것.. 평생의 한이다..
9월이나 10월까지 13권을 기다려야 하다니...
많은 순정만화들의 단점.. 중간쯤에서부터 서서히 스토리를 끌기시작하면서.. 어딘지 모르게 다른 만화들이 쌓아왔던 평균적인 길을 끌다가.. 왠지모르게 급하게 끝난다는 느낌이 강하게 시시하게 끝을 내는..
나나는 이렇지 않아 좋다...

영화가 나오는거 알지??
모르면 배워..

일본에는 많은 안티들이 있다는.. 사실 나두 영화가 된다는거에 그렇게 찬성은 아니다.
어떤 책이던 만화던 스크린이 되면 원작에 많이 못따라기는거 사실이니까..

네이버에서 퍼온 casting photo~~~~~~
